Internet Access Networks

Internet acess network infrastructures, such as cable, DSL, and cellular broadband networks, are being widely deployed. Yet, very little is known publicly about the characteristics of access network deployments in the real world. Consequently, researchers and application developers do not understand how well their systems or protocols perform over access networks. Even customers of access ISPs are often not aware of the details of their network deployments.

Glasnost: Bringing Transparency to the Internet

ISPs are increasingly deploying a variety of middleboxes (e.g., firewalls, traffic shapers, censors, and redirectors) to monitor and to manipulate the performance of user applications. Most ISPs do not reveal the details of their network deployments to their customers. The goal of our Glasnost project is to make access networks more transparent to their customers.


SatelliteLab: Adding Heterogeneity to Planetary-Scale Testbeds

SatelliteLab extends the popular PlanetLab testbed with nodes from the Internet edge networks, such as cable, DSL, wireless, and cellular networks. SatelliteLab testbed is useful for researchers wanting to evaluate their distributed system prototypes in heterogeneous network environments.


Characterizing Residential Broadband Networks

A large and rapidly growing fraction of users connect to the Internet via residential cable and DSL networks. However, little is known about the characteristics (e.g., bandwidths and queue sizes) of deployed residential broadband networks. In this project, we studied the characteristics of 2,000 DSL and cable links from 11 major ISPs in North America and Europe.


Monarch: Emulating TCP flows over the Internet at Large

Monarch is a tool that accurately emulates transport protocol flows from an end host under the experimenter's control to any other end host that responds to simple TCP, UDP or ICMP packet probes. Since many Internet hosts and routers respond to such probes, Monarch can evaluate transport protocols such as TCP Vegas, TCP Nice, and PCP over a large and diverse set of Internet paths.




Faculty   Students   External Collaborators
* Krishna P. Gummadi
  * Marcel Dischinger
* Andreas Haeberlen
* Alan Mislove
  * Stefan Saroiu, University of Toronto
* Ivan Beschastnikh, University of Washington


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